The Sustainable Innovation Forum
With 1.5 degrees in jeopardy, we need bold collaboration and brave action at COP27. The Sustainable Innovation Forum 2022 (now in its 13th year) will convene over 500 heads of state, ministers, CEO’s, investors, multilateral dignitaries, and city leaders in the largest multi stakeholder event at the COP27 negotiations. The Forum aims to enable forge cross-sector partnerships between the non-state actor community, to shift climate action out of silos and leverage ambitious, collaborative global efforts to keep warming within 1.5 degrees.
Date: Day 2 – November 10 2022
Time: 14:30 – 15:10 GMT + 2Panel: How can data, digitisation and automation secure real decarbonisation and climate action in line with <1.5 degrees warming?
Digitisation and IoT are generating more data than we know how to use. This data enables us to track, monitor, measure and optimise
production across our supply chains as well as drive efficiencies and futureproofing across the built environment. But there are trade-offs
to manage from increasing digitisation including unemployment, energy use of data centres and security risks.
• How can we ensure digital solutions deliver our human and planetary needs?
• How can data driven disruption help us decarbonise energy at the exponential rates we require?
• How is digitisation set to transform different sectors’ adaptation and mitigation efforts; industry, buildings, transport and most
crucially energy?
• How can digitisation drive out inefficiencies in the industrial sectors?