Uniting for Climate Action and Resilience in the Caribbean

Dr. Colin Young Executive Director of the Caribbean Community Climate Change Center.
The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) is pleased to host the CARICOM Pavilion once again at COP28, which is a shared space for delegations of Member States of CARICOM, and other CARICOM agencies.
Since 2015, in Paris, the CCCCC has convened and managed this Pavilion at the United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) annual Conference of Parties (COP) with the support of its network of donors and partners.
The CARICOM Pavilion provides a physical space for CARICOM Ministers and Heads of Delegations to engage with and provide political guidance to the Region’s climate change negotiators on the various thematic areas of COP. The CCCCC and the CARICOM Secretariat jointly convene these sessions to promote regional ownership and coherence with political declarations in alignment with CARICOM negotiation priorities. Importantly, the Pavilion also provides a space for Member States to showcase the many initiatives and best practices being pursued throughout the Region. Over the years, Member States have relied on, and effectively used the Pavilion space, equipped with a theater-style chamber and a separate meeting room, to convene high-level bilateral meetings and side events. During the two-week period, we welcome thousands of COP goers at the CARICOM Pavilion who engage in discussions with CARICOM personnel on the region’s aspirations for resilience building.
The CCCCC, as it does at each COP, will continue to coordinate and provide support to CARICOM Member States as they champion CARICOM priorities during climate negotiations. Among several of CARICOM’s priorities for COP 28 are the operationalization and capitalization of the Loss and Damage Fund and funding arrangements, the doubling of adaptation finance, keeping 1.5 Alive, and delivering on the USD 100 billion/ year to assist SIDS and developing countries to adapt to the escalating and adverse effects of climate change. The CCCCC with the support of our partners, will amplify the call of our political leaders via our social media platforms as well as through the convening and participation in fringe events.
This year, the CCCCC is pleased to welcome the active partnership with several regional organizations, including Climate Smart Accelerator, CDB, CCRIF SPC, and Climate Analytics, to deliver an even stronger CARICOM Pavilion experience to maximize awareness and visibility. For the first time, the events will be live-streamed to facilitate regional and global viewership. We are most appreciative of this collaboration and look forward, with much enthusiasm, to partnering with these organizations for future COPs.
We also wish to thank our major sponsors, the Open Society Foundation and the Caribbean Development Bank as well as the Caribbean Climate-Smart Accelerator, and CCRIF-SPC.
We reaffirm CARICOM’s commitment to advancing the Region’s consolidated negotiating positions to mitigate the global impacts of climate change.
Please join us on our social media platforms at #COP28Caribbean, #CaribbeanClimate, and @CaricomClimate.